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on Friday, October 30, 2009
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A Gift Only from God
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on Thursday, October 29, 2009
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This poster says vision and under the qoute says what God has intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine. This is from Oprah Winfrey. This is true inspiration for me, both in basketball and in life. I like how the player is sitting on the bench and is in a deep thought. The sun is also shining on him from the window. It is like God is putting things in his head on what he wants him to do on the court and with basketball. You're receiving a vision from up above from the most high. It touches me because I love to focus on basketball and especially God. He tells me what to do. I can pray to him each day for help and he will give it to me. Every time that I see improvement in my game, I thank God because it was all the work of him. He gives me the strength each day to play basketball, work hard at it, and the desire to achieve greatness in basketball. This is one thing I think on the court and that is for God to give me a sign, a VISION!
It Started
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on Wednesday, October 28, 2009
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Yes, it started the NBA. Finally the long wait for the season to kick off. Last night it was a good start Boston Celtics defeating the Cleavland Cavaliers, Lakers beating the Clippers, Wizards defeating Dallas, and also Portland defeating Houston. It was a good start and you can tell that many were watching. This year it is any one's game. The NBA title is up for grabs by almost a lot of different teams. Close call to who will be receiving MVP. Even who's going to be in the all-star game. Many talented players, people finally going back to their dominate ways and a lot of teams seeking to improve from last year. Each game this year is going to be interesting. I haven't chosen my team yet but, my man always will be Kevin Garnett. Of coarse I enjoy seeing other players. Let's find out what happens when the season ends!
Oppurtunity Being Wasted
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on Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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Another good Motivation
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Back to Ball motivation
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Schemes and Tropes in Advertisement
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on Monday, October 19, 2009
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The device that is being used here is a hyperbole because it exaggerates what is being said. They don't grow ketchup, there saying we do the best and only use the best to make Heinz ketchup.
The device that is being used here is i think a simile because the organization WWF is referring the world to ice cream. Because of what we do to the earth causing global warming the planet is melting just like an ice cream. Also irony because the world is not literally melting but global warming is causing everything to start fading away.
The device that is being used here is a hyperbole because this ad tells viewers that when you have a slurpee from 7 Eleven, you will get an intense brain freeze that even freezes your hair. This is not to be taking literally because 7 eleven is telling customers that this slurpee is really good for cooling off on hot days.
The device that is being used here is i think a hyperbole again because no one has hair like this. But it saying we can even turn really bad frizzes into nice beautiful unfrizzed hair. Also whats being used is litoties.
The device that is being used here is i think personification because they are saying you can go beyond the hand to hand game rock paper scissors. You can actually play it using rock, paper, and scissors.
The Locker Room
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on Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Using Faith in Basketball
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on Friday, October 9, 2009
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on Thursday, October 8, 2009
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This man right here, Michael Jordan known by many names and people all over the globe. He was one of the main people who changed basketball and the way it's played. He is a wonderful man and the things he done on the court was very phenomenal. Jordan is inspiring to me, he motivates me to go harder and never stop. Here in this picture there's writing that says he failed many times when he was even depended on the most. I loved the way that this picture bold ed the words FAILED and SUCCEED. The reason is because only through failure we succeed in things that we are doing and want to do. This can be applied to everyday life and that's why this makes an outstanding picture to like put up in your room or something because the moment you wake up you can read it and be inspired to do something great. This photo right here as look at it and see Jordan's face, i feel or get the sense that he is telling to push it even further and work even harder like you want it. I want my dreams to come true and i can't miss opportunities in front of me. I want to put more effort in to this and also put my heart and soul in to it. Only when i do that i know that I'm trying and going beyond my limits.
The Way of Life
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on Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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For real it's not just any sport to me. I treat the this game very special with all my heart. I want to work harder and harder so i can keep on improving. By doing this it's going to get me to there. It's life, you can see a lot of people out day and night doing what they do. Practicing until you can't feel anything. It just becomes apart of you and that is how i truly feel about basketball. You want to be better you have to treat it like it's one of the most important things in the world. If you want it bad you'll take it. Basketball is the heart and soul. When you see guys out there playing with passion there showing a commitment and emotionally working for the game. Trust me you can see it in their eyes. I want it badly thats why i got to work harder and focus. It's not any life, it's MY LIFE!
Comparison of Music 2
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on Monday, October 5, 2009
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This song is the original one that was made and it’s called “American Boy” by Estelle feat. Kanye West. This song talks about a man who is American that Estelle wants to meet from America. This song talks about places in America and how she wants to be there. Another song was made using the same beat and the same meaning but only Canadian. The other version was done by some Canadian artist named The Kid Famous and Adreena Mill. This song is called “Canadian Boy.” This song is like the American version only it talks about having a Canadian Boy and visiting places in Canada. This song doesn’t have a video like the first one. Both of them almost have the same message and it is for girls who find or are looking for certain man in their lives. It talks about seeing different kind of men in different parts of America and Canada. Both songs show that certain men are from certain places in the two countries.
Comparison of Music
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The first song I chose was I’ll be missing you by P.diddy and Faith Evans. It came out around 1997. This song makes me feel sad because this song was written since it was a tribute to Notorious B.I.G cause of his death. This song talks about remembering what he was and who he was. Also this tells us the importance of his life that he had on others. The message that this song is trying to convey is that it is hard to let someone go but in the end we will never forget you. Everything that I do day, it is like if you were there watching and never left at all. This artist is trying to explain that every step I take, move I make, every single day, and every time I pray I’ll be missing you. It speaks about remembrance. In the video P.diddy was alone in the video it is like he wanted everyone to take a moment to them and just think, reminisce. It also looks like there lost without him but, also glad that he was here to share his life with them.
“I’ll be missing you” sampled the melody of “Every Breath You Take” by The Police written by Sting. It came out in 1983. This song is said that it was made because of the collapsed of Sting’s marriage. It is the lyrics of a sinister, controlling a character, who‘s watching your every move, “Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.” This song is about an obsessed person that is deeply in love with there love that they have to be watching you everything you do. It also has the message of lost because this person says that there nothing with out them. They feel that there not complete that your just that one missing puzzle piece to there love. This video is in black and white maybe because maybe he wanted to prove his point to make everything look like he was serious. It makes me feel a little creep out because he stresses that he will be watching you all the time and it makes me feel that someone is watching me right now out of no where. There not that much to the video it is like he trying to tell his recent divorce wife this is what he’s going to do.
“I’ll be missing you” sampled the melody of “Every Breath You Take” by The Police written by Sting. It came out in 1983. This song is said that it was made because of the collapsed of Sting’s marriage. It is the lyrics of a sinister, controlling a character, who‘s watching your every move, “Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.” This song is about an obsessed person that is deeply in love with there love that they have to be watching you everything you do. It also has the message of lost because this person says that there nothing with out them. They feel that there not complete that your just that one missing puzzle piece to there love. This video is in black and white maybe because maybe he wanted to prove his point to make everything look like he was serious. It makes me feel a little creep out because he stresses that he will be watching you all the time and it makes me feel that someone is watching me right now out of no where. There not that much to the video it is like he trying to tell his recent divorce wife this is what he’s going to do.
It's My Favourite
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Basketball is truly my favourite sport. Everyday I go to the gym to practice and I enjoy working hard. I want to be even better than what I am now. That is why I have to keep pushing myself harder and harder. If you really want something you’ll take it. This activity keeps me active, stay fit, and out of trouble. I love to talk about this sport with other players because we have good talks on who is the stronger team in the NBA. Also we talk about what we are good at and what you need to improve or get better on. It’s also has to be a fun way to hang out with your friends who like to play too. Basketball is so great that there are not enough words to describe the game. Anything that you love will make you want it for the rest of your life. That’s the role that it plays in my life and like the new Lebron movie says IT’S MORE THAN A GAME!
Not any Passion, The Passion
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One of my passions would be basketball because this is my favourite sport and I love the game. It drives me inside. I love it when I’m scoring and can't be stopped. This game keeps me in shape, stay active and meet other people who enjoy the game. When you got a crowd on your side and they come to see you play you just get even happier. This makes me feel really good and is one of the reasons why I love basketball. When you go for a jump shot it is like you freeze in the air and you try to make the absolute perfect shot. The only thing that matters is the defender and the net, when you make the shot you feel better and also you feel you can keep going and going. Another one is when you drive the ball it's either you dunk or you take a strong lay-up. The feeling you get when you do airtime is wonderful cause get higher and higher until you can't go no more. I love this sport because it feeds my soul like the way family and God does in me. This is one of my greatest passions.