This picture says nothing is out of your reach. This is so true because as you can see in the picture this kid is really short but, he still playing basketball. I feel that he doesn't care if he doesn't have the height, he still playing, enjoying the game and improving his mistakes. It looks like he is trying to get better. I really appreciate this because it tells me that I should't care if I am not tall, Ishould still be out there trying to better myself, improving on my game. I name this title what pushes me because things like this when I see others trying to get better despite the difficult obstacles ahead of them helps me to work even harder to get where I want to be. You can learn anything from anyone in this world, even a small child. I know that nothing is out of my reach, I can use this over and over again reminding myself of this and my game will improve every time on the court. This allows me to have the right mind set when i touch that ball. When I'm on the court my whole life changes when I touched the ball. It's like i'm a different pesron, that's what I like because I can go into a game dominating each quarter. When trying to get better players need to realize that the sky is the limit, anything is possible.
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