1.They Work Harder than everyone else. You must show up early and leave late. There is no substitute for hard work and there are no short cuts. You must have a plan, you need to know where you want to go and what you must do to get there. It's been said that Kobe Bryant will take as many as 2000 jump shots a day in the off-season. Could this be a factor in him leading the league in scoring?
2.They Are Excited to be playing basketball. Enthusiasm is contagious to all that are exposed to it. Love what you do and inspire others to have fun. Your heart must be in it in order for you to strive to improve and learn more.
3.They are in Great Mental And Physical Condition. Your mental condition is of extreme importance because it'll determine how hard you're going to work and how enthusiastic you'll be about playing the game. You must believe in yourself and you must believe in your teammates. If you believe you're a champion, then that's what you'll become!
4.They've Mastered The Fundamentals. Although we all love the "show time" part of basketball. It's the fundamentals that win games. As a basketball leader, you must constantly strive to master the fundamentals of the game; then constantly help your teammates improve in those areas as well.
5.The basketball leadership heroes have an outstanding Team Spirit. You must encourage teamwork and unselfishness at every opportunity. You must be eager to sacrifice personal glory for the welfare of the team. Encourage your teammates, motivate them, help them to achieve their goals. You must be the bigger person and in the end you'll be rewarded.
After reading this, it made me think if I want to be great one day I must have the skills and ability of a leader. Having a good leader helps put your team on the right path. I know I don't want to fail, so on the court I have to be a leader!
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