It says if it is to be, it is up to me. See I want to be that guy who always finishes the game. I want to standout from all the other players. You know be the man on the court that everybody comes to watch play because they know that, that person is going to do something special. Of coarse i don't want to be a ball hog or something but I want to finish games whether or not I shot the winning bucket. Even if I'm the one who made that play happen then it is all good. The feeling of being that great person must be wonderful. There are many people like this in the NBA like Kobe Bryant, Lebron James, and even in the past Michael Jordan. To be the great you have to electrify the crowd get them in the game to help your team win. I want to be that person someone who always makes the crowd at the edge of their seats the whole game. That to me is some of the qualities of a special and talented basketball player.

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