The device that is being used here is a hyperbole because it exaggerates what is being said. They don't grow ketchup, there saying we do the best and only use the best to make Heinz ketchup.
The device that is being used here is i think a simile because the organization WWF is referring the world to ice cream. Because of what we do to the earth causing global warming the planet is melting just like an ice cream. Also irony because the world is not literally melting but global warming is causing everything to start fading away.
The device that is being used here is a hyperbole because this ad tells viewers that when you have a slurpee from 7 Eleven, you will get an intense brain freeze that even freezes your hair. This is not to be taking literally because 7 eleven is telling customers that this slurpee is really good for cooling off on hot days.
The device that is being used here is i think a hyperbole again because no one has hair like this. But it saying we can even turn really bad frizzes into nice beautiful unfrizzed hair. Also whats being used is litoties.
The device that is being used here is i think personification because they are saying you can go beyond the hand to hand game rock paper scissors. You can actually play it using rock, paper, and scissors.
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