This man right here, Michael Jordan known by many names and people all over the globe. He was one of the main people who changed basketball and the way it's played. He is a wonderful man and the things he done on the court was very phenomenal. Jordan is inspiring to me, he motivates me to go harder and never stop. Here in this picture there's writing that says he failed many times when he was even depended on the most. I loved the way that this picture bold ed the words FAILED and SUCCEED. The reason is because only through failure we succeed in things that we are doing and want to do. This can be applied to everyday life and that's why this makes an outstanding picture to like put up in your room or something because the moment you wake up you can read it and be inspired to do something great. This photo right here as look at it and see Jordan's face, i feel or get the sense that he is telling to push it even further and work even harder like you want it. I want my dreams to come true and i can't miss opportunities in front of me. I want to put more effort in to this and also put my heart and soul in to it. Only when i do that i know that I'm trying and going beyond my limits.
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