This picture says excel and under it says dare to be your best. This tells me when I'm on the court I have to excel past everyone who's there and stand out. It like everyone is a light bulb and to be the best I have to shine the brightest. I like how it says dare because a lot a players are scared to take over on the court especially when your team is loosing. I don't want to be that can of player I have to take chances and take risks because this is the only way I will get better. You have to go past what you are and head into greatness. Even little things like practice when the crowds not there I have to put more work in to what I do. To excel in practice, I have to show the coach that I want to get better and i need to put a lot more effort in to training. This picture speaks to me, the player in it that's holding the ball dared to dunk on some one even though he could mess up because the defender is going up on him. He's taking chances. I know when i game comes up I will be ready because when the coach puts me in I will be great, I will EXCEL!
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